Fukushima water disposal by no means Japan’s own business
By John Lee
(ECNS) -- Japan has announced it will release treated wastewater from the wrecked Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant into the Pacific Ocean this year.
Although Fukushima wastewater disposal affects global marine ecological environment protection and public health, Japan has turned a deaf ear to domestic and international opposition to dumping the contaminated water into the sea, treating the "global" matter as its own business.
The Fukushima accident in 2011 had sent large quantities of radiation into the atmosphere and the Pacific Ocean, causing irreversible damage to the surrounding environment, and hundreds of thousands of people were forced to evacuate the area. South Korea still maintains its import ban on Japanese seafood from areas affected by the Fukushima nuclear disaster.
On April 13, 2021, Japan announced it had decided to discharge contaminated radioactive wastewater in Fukushima Prefecture into the sea due to dwindling storage space, with the Japanese government and plant operator Tokyo Electric Power Company Holdings Inc. promoting the release plan over the past year.
The Japanese government argues that the water treated by an advanced liquid processing system, or ALPS, is safe and drinkable, which is undoubtedly fooling the public.
In fact, the treated wastewater still includes a variety of radioactive substances and can’t be recycled once discharged into the sea, which will pose a great threat to marine ecology and ultimately endanger human health in the long run.
Therefore, the discharge plan has been strongly opposed in Japan. According to a questionnaire conducted by The Asahi Shimbun, nearly 60 percent of mayors of 42 municipalities in Iwate, Miyagi and Fukushima prefectures oppose the discharge plan. The National Fisheries Cooperative Federation of Japan has also repeatedly stated its opposition in public.
The Japanese government believes that dumping Fukushima wastewater into the sea is the cheapest and most convenient solution, but neighboring countries and even the whole world will be at risk of nuclear pollution.
The Pacific Ocean doesn’t belong to Japan and the wastewater flow along oceanic currents will surely break boundaries and endanger public welfare and the interests of neighboring countries and even the international community.
The Korea Economic Daily reported that related research concluded that if contaminated water from Fukushima is released into the ocean, it would only take seven months for the contaminated water to reach the shores of Jeju Island, with the country's aquaculture and tourism suffering considerable losses.
According to the calculation of a German marine scientific research institute, radioactive materials will spread to most of the Pacific Ocean within half a year from the date of discharge, and the U.S. and Canada will be affected by nuclear pollution. People in the Pacific region also oppose the discharge plan.
As a participant of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, Japan has the obligation of protecting the marine environment.
However, it hasn’t offered a full and convincing explanation on issues like the legitimacy of the discharge plan, the reliability of data on the nuclear-contaminated water, the efficacy of the treatment system or the uncertainty of environmental impact.
Though the IAEA has yet to complete a comprehensive review after three investigations in Japan, the Japanese side has been pushing through the approval process for its discharge plan and even started building facilities for the discharge. It is rather irresponsible for Japan to act against public opinion at home and concerns abroad.
The Pacific Ocean is not a private Japanese sewer. The country must seriously heed the voices of the international community and make a reasonable plan for the Fukushima wastewater disposal after full consultation with stakeholders and international agencies.
If it only seeks instant interest and insists on discharging the contaminated water into the sea, not only itself, but also its neighboring countries and the entire world will pay for the decision and several generations will be forced to bear the consequence.
【寻味中华】东北年猪菜的幸福感****** 中新社吉林1月19日电 题:东北年猪菜的幸福感 中新社记者 苍雁 石洪宇 在吉林舒兰,小年过后,“坐席”便成了孩子们翘盼的事。 今年过年,陈秀坤筹划了10道年猪菜宴请乡邻。冒着热气的大铁锅支在院子中间,遇冷凝华的水蒸气令陈秀坤的眉毛上结满霜花,五六位赶来帮忙的乡邻正将刚宰杀的年猪分类。 ![]() “谁家过年杀猪,都会请亲朋好友过来撮一顿。”陈秀坤说。 “小寒大寒杀猪过年。”在东北农村地区,年猪菜俗称“杀猪菜”,最初形式为乡宴,是春节必不可少的“硬菜”。 经过柴火炖煮的大块猪肉香气诱人,各类配菜软烂入味。热气腾腾的年猪菜一上桌,热闹喜庆的年味儿也愈发浓郁,亲朋好友围坐,真是东北人一年中最幸福的时刻。 年猪菜传承自中国满族先民习俗。历经时间流转,菜品不断丰富,白肉血肠、酸菜烩猪肉、肉皮冻、炒猪心、汆丸子汤……毫不夸张地说,年猪菜可以做上几十道不重样。 ![]() 陈秀坤告诉记者,年猪菜是可以贯穿整个新年的美食。 肉皮冻,是许多东北人家的除夕“下酒菜”,由猪皮熬制而成。将猪皮肥肉部分刮去,清理干净后切成小条,加入生姜和盐,熬煮两小时后放入冰箱冷藏,待结冻后切块,佐以蒜泥、酱油等食用,口感筋道有韧性。 每临新年,许多城市居民也都开车进村吃上一顿年猪菜,驱散过去一年的疲乏。 ![]() “酒席满堂,不如白肉血肠。”血肠的制作相当考究,白肉血肠也是年猪菜里的经典菜肴。年逾花甲的张洪滨19岁起便接触这道菜的制作。作为百年老字号“吉林市老白肉馆”的掌门人,血肠烹饪他熟稔于心。 张洪滨说,用不同方法灌猪血,可以制作出清血肠和混血肠。 其中,清血肠的口味最为难得。杀猪后待猪血凝固、沉淀,取最上层的清血,加入中草药、老汤及各种调料,灌入猪的明肠。蒸煮入口后,味道清淡、肠衣脆。 混血肠的制作也不简单。其区别在于,灌制血肠后要用火烤,目的是将猪油烤出去。上锅焯水排除杂质后,放入老汤里煮,出锅后切成薄片。将血肠与大块五花肉同炖,上好的血肠杀猪菜便诞生了。 ![]() 71岁的丁森独爱白肉血肠的味道。作为土生土长的东北人,冬日餐桌上的热气与热闹伴其从小到老。每年一入冬,和亲朋撮上一顿杀猪菜的期待便已开始。大肉块蘸上蒜瓣酱油汁,血肠在口中融化,由口入心的满足感无以言表。 美食在桌,亲朋在侧,吃出年猪菜的幸福感。(完)